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Transnational Teacher meeting from 03-04-2017 till 07-04-2017

Portfolio guidelines presentation

In Iceland the group will plan the presentation of the website.


Every country will plan a presentation for:

a) The ministry of education,

b) The local government,

c) The teachers Universities,

d) Preschool officers,

e) Preschool teachers.


The presentations will be held in each country in September 2017.


The results and impact of this project will be to create a digital handbook with step by step guidelines to using open ended evaluation. This guideline gives clear information on how to use Learning stories and Pedagogical documentation to observe and evaluate the Multiple Intelligences, talents and strengths of children. The guideline also gives clear directions on how to make sure parents and children are involved in the process. We want to create an alternative in assessing young children´s learning in preschools with open ended evaluation that focuses on children strengths, interests and talents. The object is also to change the views teachers and school authorities have on learning assessment in preschools. This will affect the school system in how it builds on the different ways children process information and the different interests children have, which will have an effect on the children´s motivation to continue learning and in the long run prevent early school leaving.  


ICT experts

Communication with children and their families is essential in early childhood education. The development of information and communication technology (ICT) has opened up new opportunities to share information with families in different and exciting ways. Children´s learning and development is fostered when communication with parents and family is actively maintained (Ka Hikitia, 2008). Many of the opportunities afforded through these technologies have come about because of developments in the function of the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web was initially established as place to store information that others could then access. This period in the evolution of the web is now commonly referred to as Web 1.0 or the 'read-only web'. More recently, a second-generation web emerged (Web 2.0). This describes the web as we know it today: a place where users can contribute to content and interact with other users. The potential for sharing and communicating in real time of this 'read-write' web makes it ideal for early childhood services. ICT increases the options available for communicating with families. Digital technologies incorporate a range of graphic and multimedia functions that appeal to children and adults alike. Images and photos communicate information to a family about their child that the child may not be able to convey. ICT can enable parents, families and communities to be included in their children's early learning in new ways.  A digital portfolio that shows children’s strengths, interests and talents will be developed.



At the end of this meeting the group will have planned a presentation of the website. They will start a discussion on how the Multiple Intelligences, strengths, interests and talents children have are being met in preschools and how they are assessed. The presentations will then change the views teachers and school authorities have on learning assessment in preschools.


Also we will have created a website with Process-Growth Portfolio Guidelines; organize a continuing Process-Growth Portfolio for each child from infancy onward. Learning Stories, Pedagogical Documentation and samples of children’s work will be included in the portfolios

© 2015 Ines Springael

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