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Needs analysis

Before the start of the project a need analysis was carried out with parents and teachers in the participating preschools about how the preschools meet the children’s multiple Intelligences, strengths and talents. Also how these were being assessed.  

Because of the needs analysis at the start of the project and at the end, there is a good possibility of evaluating the impact of the project.


Questions for the teachers

Teachers in the participating preschools were asked the following statements and questions: 

  1. The national curriculum states that you document that each child reaches the goals stated in the curriculum.

  2. The school authorities state that you document that each child reaches the goals the school authorities set.

  3. Your school sets goals for each child that you document

  4. You feel that the school should give attention to the strengths, interests and talents of all children

  5. Teachers in my school can decide in what way they document children’s development

  6. It is necessary to have a complete picture of a child

  7. You find it easy to see and document the talents, interests and strengths of every child

  8. You have the tools to document the talents, interests and strengths of every child

  9. You would find it useful to have a process-evaluation method that observes the whole child in cooperation with the child him/herself and the parents

  10. Have you heard of learning stories as an assessment tool?

  11. Have you heard of pedagogical documentation as an assessment tool?


Teacher’s results

The teachers answers show that the national curriculum in Iceland, Norway and Sweden all state that the children’s learning should be documented in the preschools. The teachers in Belgium did not feel that the curriculum stated that teachers assess the children’s learning.


The teachers in Iceland, Norway and Sweden believe that the school authorities state that teachers document that each child reaches the goals the school authorities set.


The teachers in the preschools in Iceland, Norway and Sweden set and document goals for each child and give attention to the strengths, interests and talents of all children. They also feel that they can decide in what way they document children’s development.


Majority of the teachers feel that it is necessary to have a complete picture of a child’s learning and development.


Most of the teachers think that it is complicated to document the talents, interests and strengths of every child and many thought that they did not have the tools. Most of them also thought that it would be useful to have a process-evaluation method to use. Many Teachers in Iceland had heard of the Learning stories and many teachers in Sweden had heard of Pedagogical documentation.


The teachers from Belgium did not think that the education policy demanded testing of children to see if they had reached the goals stated in the Belgian curriculum. Nor were they testing children because they want to have something to prove that they are able or not able to achieve certain skills/goals. They did not think that they were testing children because the parents are asking for clear statement on children’s abilities.


Most of the teachers in Belgium felt that they would like to have a clear picture of the abilities of the child without testing them.


Most of the teachers found it easy to see the talents of each individual child.


All of the Belgian teachers would find it useful to have a process evaluation method that observes the whole child in cooperation with the child and the parents.


Questions for the parents

Parents in the participating preschools were asked the following statements and questions: 

  1. You are aware of the goals put forth in the national curriculum for children ́s learning in preschools

  2. You know about the goals that the school sets for every child’s development

  3. You have a clear view of the talents, interests and strengths of your child

  4. You feel that the school should give attention to the strengths, interests and talents of your child

  5. You feel involved by the teachers in the evaluation of your child ́s development

  6. You feel that the teacher is the one who has the expertise on evaluating the skills and talents of your child

  7. You feel that you can contribute to the evaluation of your child ́s development and to give the teacher a broader view of the skills, talents, interests and strengths of your child

  8. You would like to co-operate in a process-evaluation method together with your child and the teacher that gives you a better picture of the skills, talents, interests and strengths of your child



Parent’s results

The parent’s answers from Iceland, Norway and Sweden show that they are aware of the goals for children’s learning put forth in the curriculum.


A little more than half of the parents in Iceland, Norway and Sweden know about the goals that the preschool sets for every child’s development.


All the parents in all of the countries have a clear view of the talents, interests and strengths of their child and they all feel that the school should give attention to that.


Most of the parents in all of the countries feel involved by the teachers in the assessment of their child’s learning and development, but feel that the teacher is the one who has the expertise on evaluating.


Almost all of the parents in Belgium, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden feel that they can contribute to the evaluation of their child ́s development and can give the teacher a broader view of the skills, talents, interests and strengths of their child. Almost all of them would like to co-operate in a process-evaluation method together with their child and the teacher.


In Belgium the parents feel that being aware of their child’s talents and skills would make school choices easier.






In DeZevensprong School in Belgium the oldest students, N 214 were asked the following six statements:

  1. I think it is important that teachers and parents see my strengths, interests and talents

  2. I think it is important that teachers and parents help me to see my strengths, interests and talents

  3. I think it is important that teachers and parents are telling me what my strengths, interests and talents

  4. I feel that I have a clear picture of what my skills and talents are

  5. A more personalized learning approach in my early school years would have helped me to get a better understanding and knowledge of my skills and strengths

  6. If I would have a better understanding and knowledge of my talents and strengths. I would have more educational resilience and the capacity to cope with difficulties and drawbacks in my learning


Student’s results

All of the students felt that it is important that teachers and parents see their strengths, interests and talents.


Most of them (150) thought it important that teachers and parents help them see their strengths, interests and talents.


128 felt that it is important that teachers and parents tell them what their strengths and talents are.


130 thought that they have a clear picture of what their skills and talents are. 68 were neutral.


Only 49 thought that a personalized learning approach in their early years would have helped them.


122 thought that they would have a better understanding and knowledge of their talents and strengths and would have more educational resilience and the capacity to cope with difficulties and drawbacks in their learning.




The need analysis shows that the national curriculum in Iceland, Norway and Sweden all state that the children’s learning should be documented in the preschools. The parent’s answers show that they are aware of the goals for children’s learning put forth in the curriculum.


The teachers from Belgium did not think that the education policy demanded testing of children to see if they had reached the goals stated in the Belgian curriculum. Nor were they testing children because they want to have something to prove that they are able or not able to achieve certain skills/goals. They did not think that they were testing children because the parents are asking for clear statement on children’s abilities.


The teachers in the preschools in Iceland, Norway and Sweden set and document goals for each child and give attention to the strengths, interests and talents of all children. They also feel that they can decide in what way they document children’s development. A little more than half of the parents in Iceland, Norway and Sweden know about the goals that the preschool sets for every child’s development.


Majority of the teachers feel that it is necessary to have a complete picture of a child’s learning and development. All the parents in all of the countries have a clear view of the talents, interests and strengths of their child and they all feel that the school should give attention to that. Most of the teachers in Belgium felt that they would like to have a clear picture of the abilities of the child without testing them.


Most of the teachers think that it is complicated to document the talents, interests and strengths of every child and many thought that they did not have the tools. Most of them also thought that it would be useful to have a process-evaluation method to use. Many Teachers in Iceland had heard of the Learning stories and many teachers in Sweden had heard of Pedagogical documentation.


Most of the parents in all of the countries feel involved by the teachers in the assessment of their child’s learning and development, but feel that the teacher is the one who has the expertise on evaluating. Almost all of the parents in Belgium, Iceland, Norway, Sweden feel that they can contribute to the evaluation of their child ́s development and can give the teacher a broader view of the skills, talents, interests and strengths of their child. Almost all of them would like to co-operate in a process-evaluation method together with their child and the teacher.


All of the Belgian teachers would find it useful to have a process evaluation method that observes the whole child in cooperation with the child and the parents. In Belgium the parents feel that being aware of their child’s talents and skills would make school choices easier.



© 2015 Ines Springael

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