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Transnational teacher meeting from 08-02-2016 till 12-02-2016


In Sweden we will discuss Pedagogical documentation. It is being used increasingly as an assessment tool and as a learning strategy in early primary classrooms. It is suggested that by engaging in pedagogical documentation, teachers are becoming innovators in their own right. Pedagogical documentation is described as visible listening – using notes, slides and videos and so on to reconstruct children’s learning paths and processes. It is a pedagogy of listening, broadening the notion of documentation to include the collection of many forms and types of text to make student learning visible and to create an authentic record for dialogue, reflection and analysis. Pedagogical Documentation is not done at the end of a lesson or unit, as a summative assessment, but is ongoing – a cyclical process that facilitates growth and improvement.



An expert in Pedagogical Documentation will show the teachers examples and discuss the use of the method. Study visits will be held to preschools that have experience in using pedagogical documentation and a discussion held with teachers.



At the end of this meeting the teachers will be able to do Pedagogical Documentation and explain what Pedagogical Documentation is to their colleagues back at their school. They will have an insight in how teacher in Sweden use Pedagogical Documentation in their daily practice and what the added value of using Pedagogical Documentation is.

© 2015 Ines Springael

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