This is me, under construction!
Our preschools, “Bildradiogatan and Transistorgatans förskolor” are situated in Frölunda, a suburb from the city of Göteborg. Göteborg is divided into ten districts and Frölunda is a part of one of them, AFH (AskimFrölundaHögsbo). In Askim-Frölunda-Högsbo, there are about 60 preschools, 19 of them are non-municipal.
Bildradiogatans and Transistorgatans Preschool
The educating team at our two preschools consists of ca.15 preschool teachers, ca.15 child minders, and one headmaster. There is a special needs team that is a service to all preschools in the city district. The children are between 1 and 6 years old. Our preschool unit has 180 pupils in 6 different departments. The size of the departments differs according to the age of the children. Departments with small children (1-2 years old) has approximately 5 children/teacher or child minder and the older children(2-6 years old) 7 children/teacher or child minder. Our preschools have a common goal to always strive for "the best possible meeting" This applies to all meetings. Children-educaters, children-children, parents-educators.
Pedagogic philosophy
We are inspired of the pedagogical philosophy called Reggio Emilia
This is a pedagogical approach that is continually being renewed and developed with the childrens needs as a starting point, and in step with the rapid changes of modern society. So Reggio Emilia does not mean a ready-made pedagogical programme that you can take over or copy. You can however be inspired and develop the ideas in your own context. Pedagogical documentation is a big part of the Reggio Emilia philosophy.
The philosophy at both our preschools is to always focus on the children’s development and learning. A crucial part of this is to make the children involved in all parts of the preschool activities.We do so by having a sociocultural perspective in mind, where children learn and develop in interaction with each others, us teachers and the pedagogical environment. Pedagogical documentation, where teachers/children and/or children/children reflect in many different ways over the activities, is a useful tool to achieve our goal to strengthen and make children beware of their own learning capacity.
In our organisation we have a systematic quality tool called ”Lära Nära”. That´s a system to ensure that the quality of the preschool activities is equally measured.
What is Hjärntorget?
Hjärntorget is a new, pedagogical source of IT support for preschools, primary and secondary schools, high schools and adult education colleges in Gothenburg. The system includes a range of tools which help create a totality regarding the child’s/student's learning – for the student, the educator/school manager and the parent or guardian.
There are tools, for example, for the student's planning, timetable, calendar and attendance.
Hjärntorget also contains a portfolio, an individual development plan, written assessments, information and communication and common work areas.
In Hjärntorget each user can create a unique, personal start page and enter the information required.
Hjärntorget brings together a range of different functions around what is the core of the school – the student's learning and development.
The primary purpose of Hjärntorget is to stimulate, support and develop learning,
reinforce co-operation and communication between the child/student, the educator, the school and the home.
Adress and contact details
Förskolan Bildradio/Transistorgatan
Bildradiogatan 38
Transistorgatan 2
S-42134 V.Frölunda
+46 72 530 46 75